Showing 24 Result(s)

5 Fall Activities for Preschoolers You Haven’t Thought Of

Fall Activities For Preschoolers It’s October! Which means Fall is here and it’s time to start seasonal activities with your kids. You’ve probably already searched lists of preschooler and toddler-friendly fall activities But I’ve got some fun Fall activities for preschoolers and toddlers you might …

Apple Pie Sensory Bin

Homeschool Apple Themed Activities for Preschool

It’s apple season! And if you’re homeschooling, what a better time to do some apple themed activities with your preschooler. (I say preschooler, most of these activities are suited for kids anywhere between 2 and 6 so its perfect for a homeschooling family!) Roo and …

Pacifier Weaning: 3 Ways to Make it Easier

It was time for pacifier weaning. The Paci had to go. We were all dreading it. Me most of all. But I set the cut off to 3 years old and I was determined to stick with it…The important thing to remember is this did not happen all of a sudden. I spent at least three months preparing my daughter for the separation…

Calming Activites for Little Hands

It’s hot outside, and Roo has been bouncing off the walls (and couch, and beds…) I’ve been trying to find ways to calm and focus her as well as giving her opportunities to release all that energy. We have playdates, play in her little pool, …