Pokémon Party Ideas

Pokémon has had a resurgence in popularity it seems since the cartoon first aired in 1997. My guess is the newfound popularity is due to Pokémon GO! and other recent video game releases. My husband has had a soft spot for the Pokémon franchise since childhood and has shared this with Roo. His birthday came up recently and while he didn’t want anything extravagant (and I honestly didn’t have the energy to do much) Roo was horrified to find out he wasn’t having a party. I agreed to put together some decorations and a cake with her to surprise Daddy. She decided a Pokémon themed party would be perfect and I agreed.

Because this was a simple Pokémon party for just the three of us, I didn’t do much. But I was surprised to find out how easy the things I did were! We decided a party is not a party without balloons, cake, and I decided to make my first piñata. Here’s how we did it.

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Pokémon Party Balloons

I have a box of party supplies at the ready at all times. A large package of helium quality balloons is in there.

I picked out a yellow, blue, green, orange, and pink. Roo helped remind me which famous Pokémon character belonged to each color: Pikachu, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Jigglypuff respectively.

Using the same oil-paint Sharpies I had leftover from my Sharpie Mugs I drew the faces of each Pokémon character onto the blown up balloons. The Pokémon franchise utilizes very simple animation making them easy to recreate. This was so much fun! Roo played with them for days after the helium ran out and cried when they eventually popped.


I frosted my husband’s requested flavor of cake with yellow cream cheese frosting and, similar to the balloons, I “drew” on Pikachu’s face. It’s wonky, but I love this Pokémon themed party cake!

Pokémon Party Pokéball Piñata

I’ve wanted to make a DIY Piñata since I was a little kid! I decided to give it a shot for this tiny Pokémon party. It turned out pretty great and I’m looking forward to making more. Here’s how to make the Piñata.




Paper Mache Paste (1 part flour to 1 part water)

Tissue Paper (Red, white, and black)


Candy or Other Filler

How to Make a Pokéball Piñata

-Blow up the balloon to the size you want. Because this is a Pokéball Piñata I wanted it to be round so I kept the balloon on the small side. If you want it bigger, you can buy a punch balloon instead of using a regular balloon.

-Cut or tear a newspaper to long 1 inch wide strips

-Prepare the paste by mixing 1 part flour to 1 part water in a bowl

-Dip a newspaper strip into the paste and cover the balloon. Cover the balloon except a small opening at the tail. I sat the balloon on a strainer and rotated it as needed. This is MESSY so we did it outside. Roo even declared it was too yucky and messy and only helped with enough strips for me to get a good picture.

-Let the paste dry overnight. I actually hung mine to dry and waited two full days.

-Pop the balloon and fill with candy or other small items

-Cover the hole with tissue paper

-Tear red tissue paper into small pieces, pinch together, and glue to the piñata. Cover one half

-Cut a strip of black tissue paper and glue around the center

-Next, cut a large circle from black tissue paper and glue to the center on top of the black strip

-Now cut two smaller circles from white tissue paper, pinch the center and glue to the center of the black circle

-Tear white tissue paper into small pieces, pinch together, and cover the last half of the piñata

-To hang, I tied a string around two sides of the Pokéball then tied a third string to the top and hung it outside


Roo LOVED the piñata, but Daddy was the one who broke it and collected the candy. I’ll be making another DIY Piñata again for the next birthday party.

And that’s all we did! IT was a very simple DIY Pokémon Party. I’m sure there is more we could have done. Pokéball shaped goodie bags…Pikachu party favors…Pokémon themed games. Let me know what Pokémon themed party ideas you have!

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